Short Story: Epiphany

Finding true calling

Dishit Devasia
The Daily Cuppa


Field of Plants — Pixabay

The train moved ahead. He saw the city receding, replaced with farms and cattle. When he was a kid, he thought life was simple. He spent all day roaming around the farm.

He would get excited seeing a train. He thought the people on the trains were lucky. They could go places and meet people.

He is on the same train now that he envied in his childhood days. Life has come full circle. He wants to be the boy on his farm.

He asks himself, “Why am I feeling nostalgic today?”

It was that boy smiling and waving from a farm. Maybe he imagined the boy. Maybe it was his own self.

He had an epiphany. He opened his phone and wrote — “I resign”



Dishit Devasia
The Daily Cuppa

Software engineer and writer living in Melbourne, Australia