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Should we publish an imperfect draft?

I have 48 unpublished stories in my Medium drafts folder.

This morning I woke up at 4 am and decided to go back to work on a draft that has been waiting for publication for literally months. I just can’t get it quite right. After half an hour of messing with it, I abandoned it.

We should publish imperfect drafts… if only because there is no such thing as a completed story. We should strive for perfection…


… sometimes we are never going to get what we want from a story. If there’s a good reason for the story, there’s another reason to publish.

It offers contrast to our “better” work. Rather than worrying about one piece of work defining us, we need to appreciate that sometimes the exception proves the rule or the mediocre highlights our best.



Jane Frost (Jane Grows Garden Rooms)
The Daily Cuppa

Jane is passionate about Australian native plants, gardening, biodiversity, food forests , nature and the Arts. Also - owner/editor of Tea with Mother Nature