Gary L Ellis
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Jun 16, 2023


Some of my most embarrassing “Senior moments” (OMG!)

Image with Canva

Have you ever had a “Senior Moment,” whether or not you’re a Seasoned Citizen?

I have.

More than I want to admit!…
or will admit to!

But, here’s a couple, I probably shouldn’t.

  • Last night walking into our T.V. room with the intention of turning on the power with the remote. INSTEAD…I pointed my car remote at the T.V.
  • When I was setting the cook time to warm something in the microwave and (without thinking) punched in my debit card PIN number.
  • Walking into a room and forgetting why I did.
    (And, I know I’m not alone in that one, right? 😄)

Come on! Spill the tea! What’s one of your “senior moments;”
regardess if you technically qualify as an old fart or not?



Gary L Ellis
The Daily Cuppa

Over 40 fruitful years as a Life Coach, Public Speaker, Relationship Counselor, and Creative Communicator. FOLLOW and get my EMAILS for updates!