The Mystic’s Tarot Reading ~ №0 Child


№ 0 Child — the Mystic’s Tarot & Oracle Cards by ©2023 Henry India Holden.

Steven and I strive to clown around the house every day at some point to give oxygen to the childhood innocents inside us.

Never do you grasp innocents better than by watching small children play. Their innocence becomes a magical force that bends reality to their imagination.

With a child’s mind, you enter an inner dimension of wonder and amazement.

What if you chose for today to set aside the hard lessons you’ve learned and let playfulness in?

The precious gift of childhood joy is found in you now — if you get out the Tonka toy and dig a little.

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Henry India Holden💖
The Daily Cuppa

Spiritual writing about nature, the world & love. Soul coach, ecotherapist, Reiki master.