The Nerd From Geeksville

Gary L Ellis
The Daily Cuppa


Image with Canva

Last Wednesday was “Find Your Inner Nerd Day”

Did you?

Did you locate and geek out with your inner nerd?

It’s always my jam!

In Geeksville’s nooks, where pixels gleam,
The Nerd Herd gathers, living the dream.
With pocket protectors, they boldly roam,
Quoting obscure facts, bringing nerdy home.

Their debates are fierce, Star Wars or Trek,
Vying for supremacy, what a techy wreck!
In dungeons digital, they quest and game,
8-bit heroes, forever earning fame.

With glasses thick and passions ablaze,
They defy stereotypes in countless ways.
A merry Nerd Herd, oh what a sight,
Embracing quirks with all their might!

Inspired by Susan Alison’s “Find Your Inner Nerd Day”



Gary L Ellis
The Daily Cuppa

Over 40 fruitful years as a Life Coach, Public Speaker, Relationship Counselor, and Creative Communicator. FOLLOW and get my EMAILS for updates!