The Science Behind Reiki: Exploring Energy Healing

Annie Malone
The Daily Cuppa
Nov 16, 2023


Image from YummiCo Etsy.

Reiki, often considered a holistic practice, has a connection to science. It’s rooted in the concept of energy, often called “ki” or “chi,” recognized in various cultures and scientific fields.

Quantum physics, for instance, delves into the nature of energy and its role in our physical world. Reiki aligns with the idea that our bodies and minds are deeply linked to this universal life energy, and imbalances can lead to health issues.

Reiki practitioners serve as conduits, channeling this energy to recipients, allowing it to seek out areas requiring attention and balance.

While Reiki is not a substitute for medical care, its tie to the science of energy makes it a fascinating and potentially complementary approach to well-being. Understanding the scientific principles behind Reiki enhances our appreciation of this holistic practice.



Annie Malone
The Daily Cuppa

Reiki Master, Spiritual Student, Mama, Partner, Friend to all.