There Is a Battle Being Waged Between XX and XO!
It’s as old as the Merriam-Webster dictionary
However, in the case of dictionaries, Collin’s Dictionary won out.
The Collins has words; it is true. Words.
But they spell them all wrong. I mean, really, I do mean; they are not spelled correctly: not ever!
Hardly ever.
The Brits were first so they are correct.
Breaking up was one thing but changing the language is preposterous.
Then there is that spelling thing.
Specialize vs Specialise, for example. This October, let’s all write a horror story called, I want my Zs back. But the British translation would be I want my Zeds back.
Among close friends, we often leave XX. That means kiss kiss. I accept all the XXs from my friends but it should be.
XO means a kiss and a hug. In this one thing, American English is correct. Hugs are a circle: thus O.