Timeless Bonds

(The Shadow Of Our Promises)


Chang Duong On Unsplash

In the promise of our childhood days

We swore we would never drift apart

In the depth of those precious moments

Some friends are part of my heart

How do I recount their tales to you?

How do I share their fragrance, pure and true?

They were the life I used to breath

In unspoken songs, they were the beat

They were the rhythm of my heart

They were yesterday that still I greet

They were the morning singing birds

They were the dawn hidden in the dusk

Though hour has flown and paths don’t cross

But they stay in treasures of time

A hidden memory deep in my heart

Guiding me through the valley called life



Behind_thepencil (Dr Iqra Javed)
The Daily Cuppa

I am a doctor, an introvert, and a writer. I am new on this platform. I like to write on life as we all know life happens. And we miss it in many ways.