To Clean or Create?

‘Tis the Ultimate Question

A A McRae
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Mar 5, 2024


a diorama of a befuddled woman sitting at a big table loaded with quilt squares, bowls of dough, spoons, sewing needles, yarn, construction paper, toys in a retro lavender kitchen
“Pre-Visit Clutter:” AI-Image Generated with DALL-E 3

My folks are coming to stay for a fortnight.
I want their visit to turn out just right.

But, should I make something nice?
Or tidy the house?
There’s so little time!
Should I consult the spouse?

To clean or create?
‘Tis the ultimate question.

I’d rather not clean,
It’s not fun.
I’d prefer to bake —
A nice yeasty bun!
Or maybe a cookie,
Or a pie, or two,
Or embroider a hanky
With a little brown shoe

Or get back to quilting,
Wouldn’t that be nice?
Anything, except cleaning —
Does really entice.
Alas, there’s no time —
For something exciting,
Thrilling, and fun.
It’s cleaning,
Oh, cleaning —
That’s got to be done.

Do you ever feel like I do this before you have guests? What do you do?

© A A McRae 2024



A A McRae
The Daily Cuppa

I am a teacher, parent, cookie-baking experimenter, library enthusiast, and all-around bookworm. Twitter and Instagram: @aamcraewrites