Barb Dalton
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
1 min readMay 7, 2021


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Weeds — unwanted and undesirable plants. But do they deserve their bad reputation?

Dandelions are considered one because of their remarkable ability to reproduce and quickly proliferate wherever they land. For gardeners, they are the bane of existence. They effortlessly take over carefully manicured lawns or plots and develop tenacious roots if not dealt with promptly.

Take a closer look at how exquisite they are! Their delicate fluff at the top of thin finger-like protrusions from its core, forming a perfectly round ball.

Guinea pigs love eating the pretty yellow flowers and milky stalks. They are an important source of food for bees too. Even humans can eat their leaves in salads, reportedly tasting similar to arugula.

I used to love blowing the seed heads as a child. Often at the wrath of my father, who was an avid gardener. Now, I just marvel at their beauty.

Barbara Dalton



Barb Dalton
The Daily Cuppa

Mum to 3 humans; Cat lover. A Kiwi-Canuck. Nursing Instructor by day; rants and reminisces by night. Owner of Nursing Notes and a proud Booster of A+ stories