Rose CG
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Oct 9, 2022


My BYOB book of poetry: yellow background in a pink color frame of a young girl in a vineyard.
By Rose CG

Week 4: Reflection of a BYOB (Blog Your Own Book)

31-Days BYOB Challenge: Day 69 of a Self-Published Poetry Book

My life keeps spinning its abrupt moments of heartfelt concern like so many others.

  • My life is on hold for 48 hours waiting for results. My favorite brother-in-law, more like a brother, went to Stanford Hospital for an operation to remove a tumor. For now, he is in intense pain.
  • I texted family and friends for positive thoughts and prayers.
  • To distract myself, I attended writing classes and worked in my garden.

Moving Toward Publication

I stayed on track.

  • Draft 4: introduction and bio
  • Shared introduction with my critique group
  • Edited 2 poems with my Poetry Group
  • Pencil sketched cover

Staying on Track for Week 5

  • Edit and print 10 poems
  • Finish book cover and watercolor

How is your BYOB going?

Adiós, Rose CG 🌹ღ



Rose CG
The Daily Cuppa

Rose C. G. is a poet, artist, storyteller, teacher and dreamer. Work is © Rose CG. (My posts may contain affiliate links, I may earn a commission.)