Weekend Wonder

A A McRae
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Aug 11, 2024


An egg cracked into a sizzling pan on a counter top scattered with vegetables
Weekend Wonder: AI Imaged generated by author w/ DALL-E 3

This morning seems special.

We’ve had a whole summer of wonder: swimming in the backyard pool, reading stacks of books, traveling across the country, visiting family, making granola, embracing beach days, etc.

However, this moment seems especially sweet. The kids returned to school last week, but right now they’re snuggled in watching cartoons and planning what breakfast they’ll make for their dad and me.

It is almost as if we have a slice of summer back.

Maybe we’ll go to the park together after breakfast or play make-believe. Perhaps we’ll read aloud together or build a fort. There are so many possibilities.


Thank heaven for weekends.



A A McRae
The Daily Cuppa

I am a teacher, parent, cookie-baking experimenter, library enthusiast, and all-around bookworm. Twitter and Instagram: @aamcraewrites