We’ve Been Getting Fitter While the Dog Gets Fatter

The guilt ends now

Keeley Schroder
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Aug 5, 2023


Photo by author.

I’m ashamed to admit we’ve lost our groove with walking every day.

A few months ago, we started back at the gym which has been great for our strength and cardio but not so much for Phoenix.

And it shows.

For the first time in her life, she’s overweight.

The vet gave us a stern talking-to.

It doesn’t help that Caelin likes to give Phoenix his table scraps and Phoenix, well she likes to sit at his side, waiting for them.

So we’re trying to make the time for the gym and walking Phoenix.

We just got back from a 2.4km walk and she’s pooped.

I’m optimistic her new diet of no toddler scraps and more walking will help her lose the extra weight.

And walking can’t be bad for us either.



Keeley Schroder
The Daily Cuppa

Mother to Caelin and Tiernan (two-legged children) and Phoenix (four-legged child). Lover of dogs, writing, true crime, Netflix, board games, wine and cheese.