What Do You Earn From Photography and Writing?

You learn to earn the value of perspective and observation.

Thomas Sparley
The Daily Cuppa
1 min readJun 4, 2023


A unique perspective while sitting on a log. I found a lighthouse while enjoying the ocean waves. View under a curved drift wood next to me.
Photo by the author via a unique perspective. I found a lighthouse while enjoying the Oregon waves.

53 years of writing and photography gave me the opportunity to learn valuable skills.

Author’s Note: Read the phrases that I bolded. You will find a pattern of learning to earn values.

Skills are earned.

Hours of work to practice specific skills. You progress to a level of confidence to explore how you want to use those skills.

Each skill you earn builds your toolbox of choices. Your value is presented in your work.

Professional quality develops with your descriptions of personal experiences in failures and successes. Authenticity is earned by all your experiences.

We need to develop our unique perspectives. The observations of your perspectives create your authenticity.

The value of what you learn is to earn the value of how you express and share your insights into photography and writing.



Thomas Sparley
The Daily Cuppa

53 years as explorer, writer, photographer. Photographs to Paragraphs. One-eye writing to share experiences of learning to adapt. 28-yrs geologist.