What Do You Mean, You Can’t Find Our Floor?

Adventures in home improvement

Jennifer Dunne
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Jul 5, 2021


Photo by Callum Hill on Unsplash

The reconstruction of our kitchen is finally happening, after a vote of no confidence in our former contractor. Our new contractor drove to the flooring store for the supplies and was told they didn’t have our floor.

My husband was livid. We’d called and extended the storage three times. Each time, they assured us it was fine.

Yet, somehow, in the intervening weeks, they’d lost our floor. Which would not be such a big deal, if we hadn’t already paid for it.

Fortunately, we had the receipt. And someone discovered the super-secret special place it was hidden. The boards are now “adjusting” to our home’s temperature and humidity before being laid.

Soon, after only 4 months, we will have a kitchen again.



Jennifer Dunne
The Daily Cuppa

I help visionaries create real change in the world. 90-day Vision to Reality™️ program. For the serious stuff visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferdunneco/