What is the Correct Amount of Crying?

Doug Ecks
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Mar 24, 2024


Happiness by Doug X

What is the correct amount of crying? I asked an ex-gf if she remembered when we talked about her coming down to SoCal to visit me, after I moved out of San Francisco (having graduated law school there.)

She remembered telling me that she was concerned we might argue and she would cry if she came down to visit, and that I said “let me put your mind at ease. You’re definitely going to cry.”

She came down, we had a great time and yes we did argue and she did cry because that was just how our relationship went. My other relationships could go months without crying. Sadly not without arguing. I argue with everyone. Hence the lawyering.

How often do people cry in your relationships? What do you think is the correct amount? Answer in the comments.



Doug Ecks
The Daily Cuppa

Doug Ecks, Esq is a lawyer and freelance writer for Whowhatwhy.org . He also writes novels as Doug X.