Adrienne Parkhurst
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
May 18, 2021


“What’s for dinner?” I hate this question.

Picture of healthy salads
Photo by Shayda Torabi on Unsplash

It triggers my culinary insecurities.

Other than the armadillo egg incident when I almost burnt my husband’s tongue off, he never complains. My sons…not so much.

Last week I made spaghetti pie. My son saw it, cried, ran outside and pled with neighbors to let him move in.

I haven’t mastered cooking (yet). But, I figured out how to minimize my stress with answering that annoying question.

Ta-da! I give you my weekly dinner menu.

Author’s photo

I printed this Pinterest free template and framed it in glass.

Every Sunday, I use a dry erase marker to write dinner for the week.

I keep it visible so my husband can see it (and not ask).

I decide what to make once, instead of seven times, each week. The less decisions, the better!

By Adrienne Parkhurst — Decision Fatigued



Adrienne Parkhurst
The Daily Cuppa

Mom. Wife. Writer. Editor. Healthcare Freelance Writer. Lifetime Learner. Flawed Leader. Sharing my life lessons through personal essays and memoirs.