Nobody Cares That You Hate Mondays

Dante Jordan
The Daily Dante
Published in
1 min readMay 23, 2016

Are you one of those people that complain about Mondays even though you’re aware they’re coming every single week? If so, bring me your face. I need to slap it. Not want, need.

There’s no one more annoying than that coworker or person on social media that’s like “UGHHHHH MONDAYS.” Like…shutcho ass up. Please and thank you. Nobody wants to be at work today and the fact that you’re throwing how much it sucks into the faces of others is infuriating. You’re just piling negative energy on top of negative energy, and as someone who spreads negative energy like it’s his job, I can 100% promise you that nobody gives a fuck. No one. Not a single person on this earth gives a fuck about how much you hate Mondays.

So with all due respect (which is very little), please shut the hell up with your Monday complaints; and also Tuesday. Because if you’re the type of person that starts the week with bitching, I guarantee you’re the type of person that keeps it going for the whole week. No one respects that.

See you tomorrow.

