5 Medium Features You Might Have Missed to Skyrocket Your Blog

Explore the lesser-known features to enhance your Medium experience

The Daily Developer


Image by author and DALL-E

Your Medium account settings harbor a few delightful features that you might have overlooked. In this short post, I suggest taking a closer look at some of them.

1. Custom (Sub-)Domain

Using the default settings, all your publications are accessible via:<username>/<story-url>. But did you know you can create your own subdomain for free and use a link format like <username><story>? In addition to the subdomain, you can also attach your own domain for free. The only thing to remember is the search engines indexing speed of your content on your own domain, which may be slower compared to

Available in Settings → Account → Custom Domain

2. Tips

Beyond Medium’s official partner program, there’s another way to integrate a third-party system for receiving tips. A tip button with a link will be displayed under each article in the author’s bio block, next to the subscription buttons. For tips, you can insert any link, whether it’s a popular service like Ko-Fi, Patreon, or PayPal, or simply a link to a website with a separate donation form.

Available in Settings → Publishing → Manage tipping on your stories

3. Word Count

Some publications have rules regarding the maximum or minimum number of words in an article, but how can you quickly find out how many words you’ve written directly from the Medium editor? It’s quite simple: just select all the text, for example, by pressing Ctrl+A, and then you can see the word count near the Medium logo in the corner.

Available directly in the standard text editor.

4. Custom Email Subscribe Message

As you surely know, Medium offers two different subscriptions: classical “Follow User” to see messages in the Medium feed, and email subscription, which notifies you about a new post immediately after its publication. Most users are unaware of the latter option, so to draw attention to this type of subscription, Medium allows you to post a message about it on your profile page below the second post. You have the opportunity to use custom text (title and accompanying text) of this message.

Available in Settings → Publishing → Customize your subscription message

5. Friends Link

If you want to earn from your articles and are part of the Partner Program, a so-called paywall is enabled, which prevents non-subscribers or unregistered users from fully reading your article. But if you want to make an exception despite the earnings and share the link with friends and acquaintances, there is an option to generate a special link that will allow everyone who uses it to read the article without any restrictions.

Available in Stories Settings → Promotion → Friend Link

The list could easily be extended with several more items, such as customizing your profile with color settings, a logo, and a header image. However, instead of delving into these, if you haven’t already, I recommend taking a closer look at all the settings and reviewing each item individually.

Thank you for reading!



The Daily Developer

🧑‍💻 Software Engineer & Tech Enthusiast | 👪 Husband and father | ✈️ Traveler and dreamer