He doesn’t get it…

Yann Girard
The Daily Entrepreneur
2 min readFeb 11, 2017

So the other day someone said that my profile picture isn’t high resolution.

And that someone who gives other people advice on personal branding needs this kind of stuff…

And you know what?

He doesn’t get it…

And he reminded me of pretty much everything that’s wrong in this world…

We’re taught from a young age that we have to be experts.

And then every single day of our lives we buy more into this crap.

We see the people on the top with great material.

Who put out great content.

Who have great pictures.

Who write books with great covers.

Or videos.

Or what not.

Who run around all day with a camera.

We see the Gary Vees of the world and we’re intimidated.

We only see the end product.

We only see them when they’re on top.

And we think that that’s the way it has to be.

That that’s the reason why they’re now on top.

But the truth is that they didn’t start that way.

The truth is that they’re on top now because of something else entirely.

They’re on top now because of the quality content they provide.

Because of the hours they put into the game.

Because of the sacrifices.

And by the way, the only thing that will ever lead to quality is quantity.

That’s the only way to mastery. Doing it over and over again…

So the way all the Gary Vees in the world started is that they just started.

Just like all I did was that I just started.

So you just have to get started.

And then never really stop again.

And you don’t need any fancy equipment to get started.

Or a fancy video camera.

Or a cameraman.

Or high resolution pictures.

Or a fancy office.

Or whatever.

You don’t need any of that.

The only thing you need to get started is to get started.


And that applies to pretty much everything in life by the way.

Not just branding.


You just gotta get started.

And then never stop pushing.

Everything else is just an excuse.

No matter how much or how little you have.

Of what?

Of everything…

P.P.S. This is a message from my new daily email called The Daily Entrepreneur where I share all things entrepreneurship, online marketing and creating multiple streams of income online. No B.S. Ever. If you never want to miss an update ever again, you can sign up here and get it conveniently delivered to your inbox.

