How Tim Ferriss makes millions with a weekly email

Yann Girard
The Daily Entrepreneur
4 min readJan 2, 2017

Passive income here. Passive income there.

And then some more multiple streams of income.

Everybody is talking about this stuff. But no one really knows how to do it.

Most people try to build a startup only to realize that building a startup usually means that you’re broke and have to work for less than you’ve ever worked in your entire life before.

No passive income…

Others try to build up side hustles. Which end up eating up more of your time than your main gig. If they ever really take off.

No passive income…

Multiple streams of income?

The holy grail!

So how do you get there?

How do you generate passive income?

How do you create multiple streams of income?

Well, it’s not that hard. At least in theory.

But getting there is hard.

Too hard for most of us.

Because it takes time. And patience. And it doesn’t happen over night.

But it’s the only way to get there.

Tim Ferriss has an email list of more than a million people. Give or take a few hundred thousand.

And most of the people on his list trust him. And they follow his advice. And end up buying a lot of the stuff he creates or recommends.

So let’s say he recommends one product a week to 1,000,000 people and only 1% end up buying, that’s still 10,000 people. Heck, make it 0.1%. That’s still 1,000 people right there.

Tim Ferriss is known for the Tim Ferriss effect.

What’s the Tim Ferriss effect?

It basically means that when he recommends a product that it sells out within a few hours.

And on every product sold that he recommended he gets a cut.

Depending on what he promotes he’ll get anything between 4–40%.

If you’re a die hard Tim Ferriss fan you might be aware of his 5-Bullet Friday weekly email.

This email is usually full with affiliate deals from Amazon. Things Like “Books I read”, “Games I play” and “Music I listen to” and some other stuff.

This thing is so genius that I even copied it.

The only problem is that I only write it once every few weeks and my audience is tiny compared to Tim’s audience.

Either way.

If you ever wondered how to build multiple streams of income, this is it.

Work your ass off for many, many years, gain people’s trust by adding value to their lives (blog posts, podcast interviews, books, etc), genuinly recommend good stuff (and not shit) and then make a few millions every year recommending stuff.

Now he’s not the only one doing it.

As a matter of fact almost everybody with an audience does it. I also do it.

James Altucher does it. Ryan Holiday does it (he even has a book recommendation list with 100,000+ people on it). And tons of other people do it.

Have you ever wondered why there are hundreds of book recommendation lists out there with new ones coming out every day?

Right, because people get 5–10% of every book sold on Amazon when someone ends up buying one of these books.

But if you’re in it just to make a quick buck it won’t work. People aren’t stupid.

If you’re only recommending stuff just to recommend stuff and to walk away with a commission instead of trying to help people it won’t work.


So here’s a really, really big secret you’re probably not aware of…

Whenever you click on someone’s Amazon link that person gets a commission on everything you buy for the next 24 hours (4–10%).

I did an experiment over Christmas. Why Christmas? Because people buy a shitload of stuff over Christmas.

So I wanted to see how much I could make in commission with products I never even recommended in the first place.

I was able to generate close to $200 in commission through products that people bought over the next 24 hours after they clicked on one of my Amazon affiliate links that sent them to a product on Amazon.

I got something like 4% in commission. That means that over the next 24 hours people who clicked on my link bought stuff on Amazon worth $5000…

Now imagine you have an audience that’s 10,000 or 100,000 times bigger than that… Right… BINGO!

So instead of wasting your time and money buying some courses that will teach you how to do this or how to do that, build an audience instead and build up trust by adding value to people’s lives instead of taking value away from their lives…

P.S. I have no clue how much Tim Ferriss really makes a year with that email. Those are just assumptions. And I’m pretty bad at math…

P.P.S. This is a message from my new daily email called The Daily Entrepreneur where I share all things entrepreneurship, online marketing and creating multiple streams of income online. No B.S. Ever. If you never want to miss an update ever again, you can sign up here and get it conveniently delivered to your inbox.

