Likes = Sales ?

Yann Girard
The Daily Entrepreneur
2 min readMar 3, 2017

Maybe you know this…

You see someone post something on social media that has a ton of interaction going on and then you go like, “man she’s living the life.”

Or “man she’s selling tons of stuff.”

Or something along those lines

And you know what?

This is something that a lot of people get wrong.

Including myself, before I saw it with my own eyes.

And so that you can also see it with your own eyes I put a screenshot in here from a picture I uploaded to Facebook a while ago.

It was almost two years ago.

It’s a picture of me holding a book I wrote a while ago.

It had 228 likes, 5 shares and 26 comments.

Probably THE “best performing” thing I ever put out there.

You can see it below…

Me holding one of my books :)

And you know what that looked like in sales?

Less than 10…

Yapp, that’s right.

All of this “social” traffic lead to 10 sales that came through that post.

So don’t fool yourself thinking that getting a ton of social interaction is equal to sales.

Or living the good life.

Because it’s usually not…

So what leads to sales?

What leads to the good life?

The only thing that will ever lead to anything in life is to experiment and figure out what works and what doesn’t.

What’s even more important though is that you don’t give up once that first, second, third or maybe even 20th thing didn’t work out.

You gotta keep pushing.

Just like I said it in the past a few times already…

The longer you’re around, the harder it’ll get to ignore you.


That really is the secret sauce.

To what?

To everything…

P.S. I have a new daily subscription where I talk about everything entrepreneurship, online business and creating multiple streams of income. You can join that list here.

