​Medium’s secret weapon that no one talks about

Yann Girard
The Daily Entrepreneur
3 min readJan 8, 2017

Everybody is talking about Medium.

It’s been around for a few years now.

I know what you might be thinking right now.

But isn’t Medium dying because they can’t find a way to make money?

And you know what?

Maybe that’s right. Maybe it isn’t.

And I don’t really care.

I think it might even be good for people like us.

Simply because a lot of people will abandon the platform.

And just a few players will stay in the game.

After all, the reader will stay as long as there’s good content around.

And those few people who will stay will be able to leverage the platform like no one else ever did.

It’s always the same thing.

It happens over and over again.

When Facebook introduced ads and organic reach went down everybody was complaining.

They said Facebook is going to die.

Businesses stopped using Facebook to promote their businesses.

People were complaining everywhere.

Facebook is a scam, blah, blah, bla…

And a few people were smart enough, stayed in the game, tried to figure out how these new ads really worked and are now making millions.

While others went out of business.

There are businesses out there that are exclusively based on Facebook ads.

And nothing else.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t smart enough or early enough in the game to build a business on top of that trend.

And the exact same thing is now happening on Twitter.

Everybody is complaining about Twitter.

People are abandoning Twitter.

Twitter is dying.. blah, blah, blah…

And yes, it’s not sure whether or not Twitter will survive.

Or Medium.

It’s not sure whether any platform will ever survive.

The bigger the risk you’re willing to take (e.g. betting on a platform everybody says is dying), the bigger the possible outcome.

That holds true for everything in life by the way.

Twitter might die.

Medium might die.

Heck, maybe even Facebook might die one day.

But just because you know you’re going to die in ten, twenty, thirty or maybe fourty years do you stop living?

No, of course not.

The moment you really, consciously realize you’re going to be dead one day (which mostly happens when people were close to death), you start living very differently.

You do more of the things you love. You go for more walks. You travel more. You see more friends. Your family. You walk slower. Work less. Or whatever is really important to you.

You leverage your life.

Because you know you only have this one life.

And you’re never out of the game until you take yourself out of the game.

Until you’re dead.

Either way.

So what’s the secret weapon Medium has?

It’s a feature called letters.

It’s like an email you can send to your publication’s followers.

I have a publication with more than 40,000 followers.

Since Medium announced that they haven’t found a proper business model people started asking me whether I was afraid that I might lose my entire audience that I’ve built there over the years.

And you know what?

I don’t really care.

That’s the game.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

The bigger the risk, the bigger the potential outcome.

But then again, I’m working on many different things.

On many different platforms.

I diversify everything I do.

You have to take big risks but at the same time also mitigate those risks…

So don’t be like all those people that exclusively focus on just one platform. And instead spread your risk across multiple platforms…

P.S. This is a message from my new daily email called The Daily Entrepreneur where I share all things entrepreneurship, online marketing and creating multiple streams of income online. No B.S. Ever. If you never want to miss an update ever again, you can sign up here and get it conveniently delivered to your inbox.

P.P.S. In case you wonder how I grew and built my publication on Medium (and my account), I’m currently working on an online course where I share all of my secrets. How I built my brand, how I built my audience and a lot more stuff. I’ll release it some time this month. So stay tuned…

