​The real power of content (or what’s the ROI of content)

Yann Girard
The Daily Entrepreneur
3 min readJan 29, 2017

A lot of people out there are asking about the ROI of content.

“Is it even worth it to produce so much content?”

“Will content work for me?”

Look. I don’t know the value of content for you or your business.

Or the ROI.

I only know that for me the ROI of content is my whole entire life.

When I was down on my knees back in 2013 I started writing.

I quit my job to write a book.

And I was struggling. A lot.

I never wrote a book before.

And I was a pretty bad writer.

So it took me ages to write that book.

And then after a few months after I started writing that book my girlfriend broke up with me.

I didn’t have a place to stay anymore.

So at almost 30 years old I had to move back in with my mom.

I was completely lost back then.

I wasn’t sure whether what I did was the right thing.

Should I stop writing that book and look for another job?

At that point I decided to change my blog and I just started writing about what I wanted to write about.

And I basically never ever stopped since then.

I think it’s safe to say that content and writing saved my life.

It helped me to get my shit straight when nothing seemed to ever get straight again anymore.

Since then it’s been the one and only constant thing in my life.

And I was able to build my entire life around it.

To me content and putting myself out there is the most powerful tool we all have.

And yes, we all have that tool.

Today everybody can put stuff out there.

The only thing you need is to be able to write.

Or talk.

And say what you think…

No matter if it’s a blog, a podcast, a YouTube video or what not.

Content can be used to change people’s lives.

It changed my life for sure.

And maybe even some of my reader’s lives.

Or I don’t know.

Maybe that’s just what my ego thinks.

Still, content can change the world.

One person at a time.

Even if that one person is just you.

And yes, content can also be used to sell people more of your stuff.

But no matter whether you want to change people’s lives, start a charity, save the environment or sell people more of your stuff, content is one of the best, cheapest and most efficient ways to do so.

And if you think back at the email I sent a few weeks ago where I told you about the one and only thing you needed to know about marketing and sales… it’s the same thing… (read that email here).

80% of a company’s sales come from people a company interacted with 7+ times.

And only 2–3% of a company’s sales come from people they interacted with just once.

And you can apply those numbers to pretty much everything in life.

Raising funds for a charity.

Raising funds from investors.

Selling a product.

Changing people’s lives.




Simply because every human interaction boils down to trust.

And nothing else.

And you can only build up trust when you show up over and over again.

And that’s the real power of content.

You can show up in millions of people’s inboxes, newsfeeds or timelines and change the world one person at a time… or you can just use it to sell more of your stuff…

P.S. This is a message from my new daily email called The Daily Entrepreneur where I share all things entrepreneurship, online marketing and creating multiple streams of income. I only occasionally share them here on Medium. So if you don’t want to miss an update ever again, you can sign up here and get it conveniently sent to your inbox.

