You’re probably using social media totally wrong…

Yann Girard
The Daily Entrepreneur
3 min readJan 27, 2017

If someone followed you on Twitter that means that they want to read your stuff on Twitter.

If someone followed you on Facebook that means they want to consume your stuff on Facebook.

If they followed you on Medium they want to consume your stuff on Medium.

Or whatever platform they started following you.

People don’t want to constantly switch from one place to another.

And that’s the most important thing to realize about social media…

People want to consume your stuff where they want to consume it.

And not where you want them to consume it.

At the end of the day it’s all about giving people the opportunity to find out more about you. But without forcing them.

So when you’re posting on Facebook give them the opportunity to consume your stuff inside of Facebook.

Don’t force people to go to another place where you can track whatever bogus metrics. Don’t try to throw millions of popups into their faces.

When you’re posting on Twitter give them the opportunity to consume your stuff inside of Twitter.

Again, don’t force people to go to another place where you think you might be able to sell them whatever it is that you’re trying to sell.

When you’re sending an email give people the opportunity to read that email inside their email clients.

Don’t force them to go some place else.

Don’t force people to go to your blog or whatever other place you want them to consume your content.

Allow people to consume your stuff where they want to consume it.

If you force people to go to a place where you want them to consume your stuff, the truth is that they simply won’t consume your stuff.

If you’re forcing people to click on links, well then the truth is that most people won’t click on that link and then won’t consume your stuff.

Sure, some people might click that link. But most people just won’t.

But that’s the most important thing.

People need to consume your stuff.

They need to read your article.

They need to watch your video.

Otherwise everything you’re doing is pretty much useless.

And when no one clicks on your links and no one watches your videos, well then your ideas simply won’t spread.

And you won’t be able to build a relationship.

And you won’t achieve whatever it is that you’re trying to achieve.

This is especially true when you’re starting off…

Sure, once you’re a Tim Ferriss, a Gary Vaynerchuk or a what not you can do whatever you want to and send people to wherever you want to.

Simply because you’re a Tim Ferris or a Gary Vaynerchuk.

People know you already.

They know that your stuff is good.

They know that you’re worth every single click and every single minute of their time.

But when you’re not a Tim Ferriss or a Gary Vaynerchuk yet, then you’ve gotta earn that trust first.

And the first step to earning and building that trust is to get as many people as possible to consume your stuff where they want to consume your stuff…

P.S. This is a message from my new daily email called The Daily Entrepreneur where I share all things entrepreneurship, online marketing and creating multiple streams of income online. No B.S. Ever. If you never want to miss an update ever again, you can sign up here and get it conveniently delivered to your inbox.

