A Quick Trip on the Body Odor Railroad

A bit funkier than usual, but richly odiferous.

Heath ዟ
Published in
4 min readAug 3, 2017


I was at the counter of my local convenience store (corner store, corner shop, c-store, cold store, party store, small grocery store, bodega, mini-market, mini-mart, depanneur, whatever you call it in the barbaric wasteland you come from) across the street from where I live (chic, I know). I go there all the time because crowds at grocery stores make my skin crawl and because I have an aversion to fresh healthy foods… but mostly because it’s open until midnight and it’s right across the street. They’re also super-friendly there and know me.

Oh, and they have Blue Bell Buttercrunch icecream… because I hate myself.

I was at the counter and the guy reading price tags from the pieces of my shame had this roaring body odor. He’s a cool guy, don’t get me wrong (even though he did sort-of accuse me of being a vampire, but that’s another story), but his pit funk was so strong it was leaving BO deposits in my mouth.

I’ve endured worse.

This lady had come into the store while I was shopping for something to slowly kill myself with. She was very attractive in a you will wake up without a liver kind of way.

If you’re not familiar with me yet, you should know that, aside from a recent…



Heath ዟ
The Daily H

Destroyed. Rebuilt. Broken, Mended. Annihilated. Remade. Nothing special.