Publication Guidelines

Want to write for The Daily Insight?

Trevor Mahoney
The Daily Insight


Calling all writers interested in joining a community of people with the goal of sharing knowledge.

This publication is meant to not have a general theme, but rather whatever topics get your mind going.

The categories you see in the top bar are meant to be mere suggestions and I urge you to not let them control what you write about.

So now, onto some guideline matters.


  • Be polite
  • Be supportive
  • Try to read as much as you write
  • Provide feedback for other hardworking writers

That’s really it as far as rules go.

When you are added to this publication, you will be added as an editor. I remove the middleman because I believe that we are all intelligent adults who can edit our own work.

Plus, I don’t want your message to be changed because an editor has to adjust your piece. You know your work and it’s intended point better than anyone else.

On that note, please do keep a level of readability to your work and break paragraphs up rather than having one large chunk of text.



Trevor Mahoney
The Daily Insight

Studying Finance and Management Information Systems • Technology and Space Enthusiast • California Born