Photo by Ales Krivec / Unsplash

The importance of side projects

Karen Hodkinson
The Daily Journey
1 min readJun 20, 2016


My background is originally in print publishing. In 2008, I took the Lehman Brothers collapse as a warning about the seismic shift in print publishing. Lots of people stopped buying magazines and blogging was on the rise.

Anyone with a computer could be a creator and publish their own magazine.

Worried that I’d get left behind as a print publishing dinosaur, I started blogging. I taught myself digital skills and threw myself into social media.

This way of being became my new order.

What started off as a necessary next step to progress my career turned into a fundamental building block for my general well-being.

I now see side projects as nourishment for the soul. Doing creative work that fulfils me makes me a better person — both at home and at work. Unburdened by deadlines, I get to play and experiment for no other reason than because I want to.

These side projects often lead me down winding paths, where I have nothing more than my interests as compass.

“Whatever satisfies the soul is truth.” ~ Walt Whitman



Karen Hodkinson
The Daily Journey

Content marketer by day, writer by night + a mum every single day | Editorial Director of @Sothebys | Ex Managing Editor of @i_D + @TatlerUK.