Matthew Spira
The Daily Kerfuffle
2 min readJan 21, 2021


Joe Biden — Wikimedia Commons

I’m going to say again that I think Joe Biden was the only Democratic candidate who could have beaten Trump. And one day into his administration, he was absolutely the right choice for this moment. Will he be “perfect”? No. But, as they say, he is decent, sober, serious, and important to add after the insanity of the last four years — sane.

I genuinely believe the American experiment with democracy would not have survived a second-term, unfettered, and completely unaccountable Donald Trump.

Something that has to be mentioned, and this is a national conversation to be had; Joe Biden is essentially impervious to every cynical character assassination attempt launched by Republicans along the lines of race, gender, and politics. That Teflon armor Reagan had, Biden has as well. His 47 years of government experience that Republicans tried so hard to insult will give him the confidence to act with confidence. And that was the key mistake Obama made, thinking the Republicans would eventually come around.

Bring us back to sanity. I don’t think the hold Trump has on the Republican party is going to last. The fever will break once they realize he has exactly zero interest in them. That’s already starting to happen with QAnon and the Proud Boys.

We’re in a new era.

Thank God for sanity.



Matthew Spira
The Daily Kerfuffle

Middle-aged dude. Combat veteran & single father. Eclectic career. Poet.