The Daily Markieff — Aug. 11, 2016—Iambic Tetrameter Edition

The Daily Markieff
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2016

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Iambic Tetrameter Edition


When ‘Kieff arrived that fateful day

At Donald’s manse — the “sky chalet” -

He passed a golden entryway

And there it was: The Gold Toupee.

The hand shot out — not very large -

But soft as silk. “This man’s in charge,”

Thought ‘Kieff, his chest puffed up — enlarged.

Trump crowed, “We’ll waive the cover charge!”

Then up to 66 they went -

For ‘Kieff, an awesome first ascent -

Befitting of a President!

(Trump crowed, “It’s very 1 percent!”)

Once seated in the Donald’s den,

They watched two hours of CNN

At which Trump beamed and cried — and then

He crowed, “Well, who are you again?”

Markieff sat staring straight ahead,

Insulted, shocked and seeing red

(and gold, and orange). ‘Kieff stood and said,

“You need me, Trump. I once was dead.”


The Daily Markieff is published Monday-Thursday and chronicles the daily happenings of our hero Markieff as he navigates the world and its idiosyncrasies — ugly, beautiful, newsworthy and everything in between. You can read previous editions of The Daily Markieff on Medium.


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