13 Unlucky Reasons I’m not going to the Movies anymore.

Elephant Journal
The Daily Mindful
Published in
1 min readOct 30, 2024


Poltergeist (1982 film)

Cough, cough, phone lit up, talking, pricey tickets, cough…

This feels mosssstly like a Movie Theater failure, not a Hollywood failure: though I’m always happy to blame them for everything, I wouldn’t in this case.

The NY Times did an article on why Oscar-baity movies are failing (mostly) at the box office. Covid isn’t to blame, anymore, at least not wholly — superhero movies, Top Gun, have shown folks will still show up. Some folks.

The comments on NY Times itself are awesome. Many of them reflect the reality:

  1. folks talking,
  2. on their lit-up phones,
  3. reserved seating so you can’t move,
  4. super pricey tickets (double what they used to be)
  5. let alone concessions,
  6. Covid/coughing,
  7. crazy high volume (this one is huge for me — I remember a decade ago being in physical discomfort at Man of Steel with my buddy Ryan; we were both relatively young)
  8. no subtitles for those who appreciate it,
  9. endless commercials these days, then more endless commercials
  10. no ability to pause/bathroom,
  11. bigger better TVs at home,
  12. and, in the background, in America, a fear of gun violence.
  13. What’d I miss?

~ Waylon Lewis



The Daily Mindful
The Daily Mindful

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