“Barbara Walters being a terrible human being for almost 15 minutes.”

Elephant Journal
The Daily Mindful
Published in
4 min readJan 3, 2023


I remember when I was young going to the funeral of a Scrooge-like character — greedy, angry, beloved by few (I liked and loved him, but I also knew his tough sides), feared or even hated by many.

I was amazed, in my youthful naivete, that no one even constructively acknowledged…reality, in the funeral speeches, or even afterward.

As someone said on Reddit after Barbara Walters’ recent passing,

“I’m gonna be honest, I’ve never subscribed to the notion that when I die, people just suddenly shouldn’t care about how shitty I was as a person.

I genuinely never understood why death just magically makes all the elements of my shitty nature vanish.”


“She was a trailblazer, but being one of the first doesn’t mean you were good.”


Barbara Walters was just awful, sometimes. Here’s 4 examples.

Barbara Walters did some good interviews. But she was often a tabloid-ist, not a journalist. And sometimes, she was an awful human being — blaming victims, doing The Man’s work, covering for corrupt friends.



Elephant Journal
The Daily Mindful

Elephant is an independent, mindful media dedicated to sharing the good life beyond the choir, and to all those who didn’t yet know they give a care.