Sanna Marin, world’s youngest female leader of a country, shared this breastfeeding photo for a reason.

Elephant Journal
The Daily Mindful
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2021


Sanna Marin

She just “got busted” for partying until 4 am.

She’s been in office as head of Finland for over two years, now, and she’s just 36.

She’s honest, accountable, imperfect, focused on issues, deeply sane and caring.

She’s newly married to her partner of many years, and she’s just getting started.

“She is, perhaps, the only PM who posts breastfeeding selfies on Instagram, or pasta sauce recipes on Facebook. (Her trick: a tablespoon of caper broth.) “I just want to be honest, and be myself,” she says. “I find it much easier.”


Like many women, managing work and parenting is a family affair. “She’s a big help in everyday life,” Marin says of her mother. “We’re very close.” She speaks passionately about how important it was for her and Markus to split…



Elephant Journal
The Daily Mindful

Elephant is an independent, mindful media dedicated to sharing the good life beyond the choir, and to all those who didn’t yet know they give a care.