My work day in 10 gifs

Karen Hodkinson
The Daily Mum
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2015

I work full-time. Five days a week, clocking about 8 to 9 hours a day. There is a pattern in my 9-to-5 hours.

We’re human beings and there is a rhythm to how we go about our everyday.

Think about the patterns of your life, about the daily routines that shape your existence…By identifying these patterns, and acknowledging their power to shape our lives, we’re better able to set the patterns in ways that boost happiness. — Gretchen Rubin

We talk about morning routines and evening routines. What about your office routine? Are there small changes you can make to it that will increase your happiness at work?

I’m starting my journey by first looking at how I currently spend my hours at work.

Here it is in 10 gifs.

1. Most of the days, I wake up thinking ‘how am I going to get through a busy day at work’

When you’re a working mum, there’s your normal office job to do, but there is also family stuff to manage. School assemblies, parent-teacher meetings, writing cheques for school dinners, organising your kids’ playdates and birthday parties. You get the idea.

2. So I give myself a talking to for not being positive enough

Yes, I CAN do it and I WILL do it.

3. By 8.30am, I’m at my desk. Email is the first thing I look at

4. One email spawns three more, and they keep on arriving

By 10am, I just want it to stop.

5. Nearly all of our work in the office is done on power point

It’s an essential tool when you work in an agency. Oh, and they’re called decks, don’cha know.

6. Grab a quick lunch at the desk at 1pm

7. Carry on with more meetings throughout the day

My day is packed with meetings. It’s a back-to-back schedule everyday. Sometimes I can have three meeting invites for the same hour.

8. At some point in the afternoon, my energy level starts flagging

Coffee gets me through the day. Everyday.

9. I try to get out of work on time, but it’s always busy, so I end up working an extra hour or so

10. By the time I get home, I need to recharge

Originally published in The Daily Mum — culture & lifestyle blog from a working mum’s perspective



Karen Hodkinson
The Daily Mum

Content marketer by day, writer by night + a mum every single day | Editorial Director of @Sothebys | Ex Managing Editor of @i_D + @TatlerUK.