Knockout Stress at Work

3 simple and easy ways that you can deal with stress when you’re at work.

Saliba Faddoul
2 min readApr 3, 2019

Work is stressful, but sadly we can’t just walk or run away. That being said we need to stop just staying stressed all day, and instead learn some simple tips to destress at work. Here are three simple ways to start de stressing during your stressful days at work.

  1. Write it all down. Sometimes we are so stressed out, but we can’t actually understand what is stressing us out. The simple solution is to write it all down. It doesn’t have to legible or even proper grammar. The point is to get your mind to visualize the issues you are having, and hopefully find a simple path to the solution.
  2. Music. Not all music is created equally, and according to research a slow tempo beat is the one you should be looking for. Turn it on, not to loud, and just sit listening to it for at least 5–8 minutes. This is going to give your mind time to get into the beat, and eventually calm down. Studies show that a slow beat help your muscles and eventually you to relax when played for a few consistent minutes without interruption.
  3. The final one is my favorite and it actually requires a little bit of long term planning. It is to eat a little bit of dark chocolate everyday. (Let me emphasize the world a little bit here). Research has proven that those who have a small amount of dark chocolate everyday are observed to have less amounts of stress hormones present in their bodies.

Ok, these are three quick, easy, and simple ways to start reducing your stress the moment you feel it at work. I hope these help, but remember you have to actually try them to know.

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Want to see how I literally go to Harvard, work full time, run a startup, sleep 10 hours a day, and stay stress free? You can check out one of The Daily Nickel videos HERE!



Saliba Faddoul

Earned BS from UCB in Two Years - Graduate Harvard -Lifelong Learner @ Bearish OS One App to Supercharge Work