New Year, More Change

Let’s pray 2019 builds upon the positive aspects of 2018.

William Johnson
The Daily Rant
3 min readJan 19, 2019


With 2018 over, the phrase “new year, new me” dominates the internet, in hopes of making 2019 a year filled with success, virtue, and happiness.

But 2018 was a year that also furthered to shine a light on the race issues that have plagued Americans for years, and has slowly weaved their way back into mainstream society. 2018 was a year that truly marked the notion that life as an African-American is not one that could simply be labeled as “lazy” or “stupid” as even our President has stated. Whether it was eating at Subway or even mowing lawns, 911 calls against African Americans, unfortunately, complimented the national rise in hate crimes this year. In fact, as contentious as it may be, 2018 was a year that went beyond the simple ups and downs when it came to race and other demographic issues.

Monday, January 21st marks the 18th year all fifty states have honored Reverend Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday. I have always felt that Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who was articulate and impactful in both his words and actions, and that same feeling resonates with huge pockets of people across the globe. One of his perhaps most famous paraphrased quotes is “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”, which was believed to stem from a sermon he held in Selma, Alabama a day after civil rights protesters were attacked and beaten by civil rights advocates.

Martin Luther King Jr. Leading the 1965 Selma to Montgomery March.

That same mindset is what I believe many Americans are adopting, through movements like #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter, and other civilian activism instances in our country. When word first came of the voter suppression down South during the midterm elections, I was shocked. Our nation has come so far but still is burdened from its past.

These instances will continue far past our current administration, and these issues prevent our nation from being truly united. But if there is one positive takeaway, it is that now is the time to truly speak up. Shining light through media outlets such as the local news and social media has brought about change that has never been seen in some industries and communities for generations. 2018 marked a year of documenting this change when it came to racial profiling, the immigration debate, and other headline news.

Scenes at the 2018 San Francisco March For Our Lives Protest

So, as we join together to toast the end of another year and prepare for another one, it is important to always, and I repeat always, remember to improve upon the foundation built upon the last year. Change is never created in a matter of mere days or weeks, but rather a continuous effort for years and years, and I believe 2019 will be the year where we continue to see more strides being made, hopefully, in addressing the very issues that have defined our country for so long.



William Johnson
The Daily Rant

Pseudonym for a student interested in politics, medicine, and our future.