Submission Guidelines For The Daily Rant


Sunny Creates
The Daily Rant
2 min readAug 6, 2018


Politics, news, your neighbor next door, epic fails, hypocritical let-downs or cat photos — we want it all! Ranting is therapy but yet education — it is good for the soul and even better for the brain.

What to submit
We accept submissions from writers of all walks of life who have something to say about what’s wrong with the world and/or the ones who live in it. Call out BS where BS is due. Do it in style and spare us with crappy lines- ain’t nobody got time for that!

The perfect piece for The Daily Rant is:
- Authentic

- Controversial — it needs to create an itch or ignite a fire in somebody

- Unique, bringing something new to the table for people to chew on

- Between 650 and 1500 words ( We consider longer pieces but prefer short and spicy)

- Well written and investigated — We don’t ever want to be called FAKE NEWS

- Preferably unpublished

  • NO LISTICLES — they are killing us!

How to Submit

First Timers
Please send an email to with a link to your (unpublished) Medium draft. If your story is a good fit, we’ll add you as a writer and publish it within 5 business days.

NOTE: We might edit your draft for style, layout or grammar.

SIDE NOTE from the NOTE: The less editing we have to do the more likely is it for your story to be published.

SIDE NOTE from the SIDE NOTE: We like Images that match the content of your story.

Current The Daily Rant Writers
You know the drill. Write the best god damn rant ever written about a topic of your choice, hit the ••• in the menu and add the article. If the piece is a thumbs up from us, we’ll publish it within 5 business days. If it’s a No from Us, we’ll let you know too.

NOTE: If you need your article published ASAP, send us an email at, and we try everything we can to release it early.

SIDE NOTE from the NOTE: Please submit ONE article at the time.

Side Note from the Side Note: We built a wall. A wall, so great — and Medium pays for it. All you have to do is to lock your posts and wait for the Benjamins to roll in. Sitting behind a wall isn’t always bad!

That’s it from us! Let’s Make Medium Great again! Just kidding, it’s already great but let’s make it most great!

Rant on,
The Editor



Sunny Creates
The Daily Rant

At first, it was warm, cozy, and dark… Now I’m a writer, content marketer, and (wannabe) semi-pro traveler looking for love online (obviously for my writing).