The Problem is You, Entitled White Man

Radhika Tara Kali
The Daily Rant
Published in
6 min readAug 11, 2019

I was scrolling through my twitter feed last night, as you do after a long day, and this showed up.

Ah. The dilemma of the Entitled White Man.

Difficult to choose between the groups' white men oppressed, isn’t it?

There are so many!

What should your puny little brain do you ask?

Well, how about you fucking educate yourself?

How the fuck do you think Politics of Women of Color got in a school program?

It sure wasn’t because we were trying to feel important.

Do you know why that was, you swine? Because women of color suffer the most in the political landscape of today. We get paid less than our white counterparts. Our freedom is stripped from us by Entitled White Men who decide everything from regulating our bodies to regulating our wages. We get rejected in favor of white people for the jobs that we’re overqualified for.

We‘re stopped on streets by cops who ask to see our ID to just-oh ya know-check whether we’re terrorists.

We get told by dimwits like you to go back to our own countries when it was Entitled White Men who started slavery and brought people of color here on death-boats in the first place.

Is that too hard for your pea-brain to comprehend?

Lemme help. Did you know that women of color have helped privileged bastards like you for centuries?

Slavery and the issues of women of color and people of color are intertwined together, you dunderhead.

Since it was white people who brought slaves to work on their fucking plantations so they could profit off of their suffering. The USA was built for free by slaves; you know the ancestors of a huge percentage of women of color and of the majority of the African diaspora in America. You should be kissing their fucking feet not spewing hate, you privileged prick.

Entitled White Men think that they deserve to be served because of the quantity (or lack thereof) of melanin in their skin. I got news for you, son. Every human being on the planet came from migrants who started out of Africa way back when.

Who am I kidding though? You probably believe that a god created your special, snowflake ass.

Evolution? Hah! That is just another leftist myth.

Forcing you to take an anti-white male diversity class?

I am so glad you put it into words, you fucking moron. Because of course, classes centered on women, queer people and people of color are antithetical to queerphobic, xenophobic, misogynistic Entitled White Men.

Diversity is anti-white male. Because it doesn’t fuckin revolve around your little world with you at its center. It slams you in the teeth with some very uncomfortable truths about your history with people of color and queer people and how white men oppressed them.

You don’t like that do you? You, you full-to-the-brim monster, can’t take the fact that anything can exist outside of your little extremist, white-supremacist world. Much less challenge it.

We’re all out here spreading joy and you sit there behind your screen and seethe your blood acid in your veins as your fingers smack the keyboard.

Of course, you don’t think of this hate when you want to order samosas, falafels and tacos do you, you fucking hypocrite?

Of course you don’t think of this hate when you want to go to our beautiful countries to consume our magnificent cultures like a fucking leech.

No, it’s alright if people of color sit quietly and let Entitled White Men appropriate our culture, our foods, our fashions and our way of life.

It’s alright if women of color take the abuse that Entitled White Men heap on us.

It’s alright if queer people are forced to sub-humanity because an Entitled White Man is too fucking discomfited by our presence.

How dare we ask for rightful representation?

Forced to take Queer Studies?

Gee, I wonder why.

Maybe it was because white men oppressed them to the point of death.

Maybe it was because it was white men who made it illegal for them to marry and have children with people they actually loved.

Maybe it was because their white cis-hetero neighbors saw fit to make a mockery of them and were lauded for it.

Maybe it was because extreme rightist fanatics called them devil incarnate.

Maybe it was because they were refused housing, medicine, and other services because of policies that a bunch of queerphobic, xenophobic Entitled White Men made.

That’s not even glancing on the hormone therapy bullshit that was heaped on so many LGBTQIA+ people in this world.

But why should you? A white entitled young man whose ancestors have done nothing but colonize and loot our lands, appropriate our cultures, rape our women, steal gold, spices, gemstones, pigments and dyes from us, leech our lands of their resources, kill our people when they tried to speak up. Do you feel comfortable learning about centuries of our suffering?

I bet it makes you squirm in your pants, doesn’t it?

When you come face to face with the fact that people who had the same skin as you committed so many atrocities. I bet you want to vomit when you hear about how the USA started concentration camps in the Philippines.

I bet your throat turns blue with rage when you hear about the slave ships that carried people to hell. Because that’s what white men did. They created the hell they so love to scare ‘sinners’ with. They created that hell in the fields in which black peoples’ hands were rubbed raw, in which their feet bled, their hearts burst, their backs baked in the sun latticed and raw from the whips of their owners.

They created hell when they put shackles on them.

They created hell when black women were repeatedly raped, their bodies ravaged, by their fucking masters. They created hell when they traded people like favors.

They created hell on earth for black people and other people of color for decades to come.

They created hell for Native Americans when that fucking son-of-Echidna Andrew Jackson ordered them to leave their land. They created hell on the cold trails of Appalachians when they committed their genocide.

So why would you, an entitled piece-of-shit who was likely told from birth that he was a special snowflake, want to hear these accounts of pain?

It makes you feel less. It puts you in front of a mirror where you see the truth and that truth makes you doubt the lies you were fed.

Why the fuck should you want to study about the politics of women of color when Entitled White Men like yourself stole our rights from our bodies? When they fucking implanted us with birth control devices to make sure we wouldn’t give birth to babies of color?

Why the fuck would you want to face facts when your warped, self-centered view of the world lets you sleep at night in peace?

Why should you-a misogynistic, queerphobic, xenophobic, Entitled White Man want to face the reality when your illusions let you justify things like this fucking thread, you miserable coward?

Satanic professors?

Of course, people who fucking educate feeders of rape-culture such as yourself must be Satanic. Because your god likes to oppress women, right? Your god threw Lilith out of heaven because she refused to submit to Adam. It's okay for your religion to place the blame on women because that’s what it has done from the start and you dare call a person who tries to disillusion you Satanic?

You, who is so filled with racism, misogyny, xenophobia, queerphobia, and entitlement that you are extreme right personified-call someone else Satanic?

Take a long hard look in that fucking mirror, bub. Take off your rosy glasses and see the blood embedded deep in your skin.

Extreme leftist ideology? Yeah of course. Because thinking that a world can exist in which women have freedom without terms and conditions, where people are judged on their merit and not their sexual orientation or the color of their skin is extreme leftist right?

Oh and as for dropping out?

Get to it.


Radha, Slayer of Illusions

Woman, Bisexual-Polyamorous and Brown



Radhika Tara Kali
The Daily Rant

Bisexual. Polyamorous. Cis-woman. Also, I’m Slytherclaw.