Why a Warren-less Candidate Might Be The Best Bet for The Democrats

An opinionated-look at what seems to be a very tight race.

William Johnson
The Daily Rant
4 min readJan 14, 2019


With the Iowa caucuses just over a year away, recent headlines have been filled with “______ has announced a run for candidacy”, “______ is live discussing a possible run for 2020”, or even “should ______ run for president?”

A very serious Donald Trump

And I mean it makes sense. 2016 was a year filled with unconventional controversies and rises to power. On the left, you had Bernie Sanders. On the right, you had Donald Trump. Arguably, without any intervention from the Democratic National Convention, the 2016 presidential elections might have been the first in a while without a proper establishment politician.

The two years after Donald Trump became president-elect were and still are filled with controversies, but yet, they continue to be filled with an emblematic anti-establishment trend. If you look at the right, of course, more and more Republicans were tasked with either supporting DJT’s unconventional actions or being basically targeted by the Trump administration. The left, however, observed the rising movement with democratic socialism and more representation, from the original #FeelTheBern to the now Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez movement.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders during a joint interview

But with 2020 just around the corner, why does it seem like the Democratic Party are about to pull a fast one with another Clinton-esque situation? And that is all due to Elizabeth Warren. You see, I believe if the Democrats want to truly win the presidential election in 2020, they need to support a candidate who has basically a similar fire as Donald Trump. Sure the old saying goes “you cannot fight fire with fire” but I would much rather see a candidate being able to hold their ground against DJT rather than just feeding wood into this overwhelmingly huge Republican bonfire.

Elizabeth Warren, with her recent controversies regarding her supposedly minute Native American genetic connections and her status as perhaps the weakest incumbent in the 2018 midterms, makes me hesitant in saying she might be the ideal candidate to secure a victory in 2020.

Elizabeth Warren

You see, I feel what the Democrats need is someone more than just simply an anti-Trump candidate. Democrats in 2020, I believe will be looking for a huge emphasis on representation, and Warren simply seems to have, in some way or form, abused those desires in the past. As the Boston Magazine said, she might be the “antidote to your despair”, but I truly believe that she has to have more than just being anti-Trump if she wants to succeed in the 2020 elections.

What many Americans observed in 2016 is that Trump rose to power off of, really, a bullying campaign. A campaign filled with name-calling, insults, and targeted attacks. Warren is someone I cannot see as strong enough to withstand all of that and still fight for a calm beacon. Warren also is not even one of the most experienced politicians in the game — she only became a senator in 2013. If these relations did not work for Hillary Clinton, who by far was perhaps the most presidential candidate America has ever seen, then I am not sure if it can be beneficial for Warren.

Julian Castro announcing his potential run for President in 2020

Due to Tulsi Gabbard, Julian Castro, and so many other underdogs and high-profile candidates who are expected to announce their candidacy or at least form exploratory committees, I truly am wishing this Democratic primary race is filled with honoring not just the diversity in regard to representation in America, but diversity in thought as well. Warren, for me, just has to go above and beyond to prove that she can fit those labels and truly be contentious in 2020.



William Johnson
The Daily Rant

Pseudonym for a student interested in politics, medicine, and our future.