Failure Porn

Daryl Loh
The Daily Read
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2018
Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash

I haven’t thought of it this way, but this article certainly brought up interesting insights.

Failure is nowadays seen as a precursor to eventual success. And that it’s good. And necessary.

But is it, really?

Failure is an indispensable and unfortunately, an unavoidable part of life. It helps us to grow and learn.

But that doesn’t make it any less painful or unhappy to deal with.

Instead, the key to dealing with it, as the article offers, is to view failures as results of experiments: Not all experiments will succeed. But what’s important is to learn from the failures and try to pursue a successful result in the future.

And even if there is eventual success, the fairytale story tends to end there.

For example, the story of how Jack Ma being rejected from multiple jobsled to him eventually being super-successful with Alibaba.

The story of JK Rowling being rejected from multiple publishers to finally publishing a worldwide bestseller.

But reality often proves otherwise.

Failure doesnt simply lead to success and life will be happily ever after.

Instead, there will be more failures after success, and hopefully more successes after failures too. That’s just how life works.

So, I guess the key takeaway is this:

Failure isn’t good. But it is good to learn and grow from failure. Even if you attain success after failure, know that failure does not simply end there. And that is okay.



Daryl Loh
The Daily Read

Passionate digital marketer always on the lookout for new growth tips and strategies