Luxury Brand Marketing

Daryl Loh
The Daily Read
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2018

Luxury brands are now trying to build communities too!

We typically think of luxury brands in associative ways: Brands that give us a sense of pride and personality when we wear them.

But that is not enough today.

Luxury brands are trying to go beyond brand association and personality to building a sense of community through storytelling and narrative.

There are subtle differences between the two -

Association tends to be more individual and internal, a type of perspective that you hold in your head towards other brands.

For example, when you associate brand X with certain values, you would think

“Wow, that brand is really edgy and cool, I want to be seen in that way too so I should totally buy that brand’s product!”

Community is a more external aspect, and it brings about more pride and advocacy among members.

When you feel a part of brand Y’s community, you would think

“I can totally relate to this brand’s values and identity, I feel a strong sense of belonging with this brand!”

Going beyond building an image, a community develops an even more intimate relationship with consumers.

This is essential in today’s market.

With the proliferation of brands of all types in the market, many brands can easy craft an image and positioning amongst consumers.

But attracting consumers to be members and ambassadors of the brand is a step beyond.

You don’t want consumers to just associate your brand with style, you want them to join you.



Daryl Loh
The Daily Read

Passionate digital marketer always on the lookout for new growth tips and strategies