Conway Warns Trump Critics: Think ‘Very Carefully’ Before Suggesting Trump Will Seek Revenge On Critics

Alexandra Erin
The Daily Spigot
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2016
If You Read It Here, It’s Not Really News

Senior Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway went on the defensive over the weekend, saying that critics such as journalists and outgoing Senate minority lead Harry Reid (D-NV) “should think very carefully before characterizing Donald Trump as the sort of man who is compelled to settle all scores with his critics, no matter how petty it may be, often with disproportionate force.”

When asked how this characterization differs from the Donald Trump she has come to know over the course of her time with the campaign, she said, “Well, for one thing, the Donald I know didn’t have the reins of the highest office in the land, with full access to our nation’s law enforcement, intelligence, and even military apparatus, all at his beck and call 24 hours a day. If he did, I think people would have been much more careful about what they said about him. I think people would have learned to watch their mouths and speak respectfully around someone like that.”

She then paused, and added, “You know, in a strictly legal sense.”

