Hamilton Cast’s Divisive Message Of Love And Unity Condemned

Alexandra Erin
The Daily Spigot
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2016
If You Read It Here, It’s Not Really News

NEW YORK — Vice President-elect Mike Pence received a contentious welcome at a staging of Hamilton Friday night, when he was treated to a mixed chorus of cheers and jeers as he made his way to his seat.

He may have thought that was an earful, but it was just the warm-up act. After the curtain fell and the cast took their bows, they emerged again with a shocking message for the future vice president, in which they reminded the audience that they had a story of love to tell and asked them not to boo.

The verbal upbraiding by cast member Victor Dixon did not stop there. He proceeded to welcome Pence, thanked him for attending the show, and hoped it would inspire him to be a leader who worked to protect the rights of all Americans.

The condemnation for this brutal act of tolerance came swiftly from the nation’s right. Prominent Trump supporter Newt Gingrich decried the request for the cast’s human rights to be recognized as “arrogant”. Others, such as Fox news contributor Guy Benson, wondered about the rights of the audience who had come there to enjoy Hamilton, not receive a political message of hope and inclusiveness.

President-elect Donald Trump himself took to Twitter to state that public-minded citizens reminding an elected official of the sworn duties his future office will entail is something that “should not happen” and demanded that the cast apologize for the statement of welcome and gratitude.

His followers were united in condemning the disruption constituted by a polite message delivered after the curtain had fallen, many saying that it’s time to come together as a nation, and that statements about inclusion and unity are only going to tear us further apart.

At press time, followers of the president-elect were working to organize a boycott, pledging they would never bid on seats in online auction, buy scalped tickets, or join the lottery for tickets until the cast renounces their calls for unity and respect for all.

