Daily Spleen — April 29, 2021

Eric M. Klein
The Daily Spleen
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2021

Pissing me off this Thor’s Day

Happy Thursday! Fuck it all! Apparently the NFL draft is today, so prepare for all the sportsball fans to be complete assholes about their teams again. I mean, they’re always assholes about their teams anyway, but now they’ll have a fresh reason. Now, on with the shit-show!

1. My Inability to Figure out What the Fuck I Want

Yeah, I’m looking at you, me. It’s really frustrating not being able to figure out what I want to do. I used to be passionate about stuff, now it’s all just meh, and I’m over it. Need to find some shit to do and decide that I care about it. It’s also getting frustrating that everything creative right now feels shitty and I’m impatient with the stuff I try. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but if I don’t see immediate progress I just jump off, which is really annoying.

2. Everyone’s “hot takes” on NFTs

Seriously, yes, we get it. Either you vape, er, crypto, in which case you want everyone to completely decouple value from the reality in which we all live, or you don’t, in which case crypto “isn’t real” and is wasteful and harms the environment. Either way, I don’t care. Yes, NFTs are dumb, and a waste of money, since they’re basically bragging rights backed by the blockchain. And yeah, until renewable energy is the norm, all crypto “mining” is contributing to global warming. But then again, so is basically everything humans do in a day. Bottom line, if some rich asshole with more money than sense wants to spend their money on NFTs, not much we can do about it, and I just don’t care. Waste your money, rich white guys. It’s not like you were gonna do anything good with it anyway.

3. Dan Harmon is “cancelled”


Why does everyone, Twitter especially, think that celebrities are somehow good people by virtue of their being famous? Or that being famous makes you some kind of role model? In my opinion, it’s just a matter of time before everyone is outed for being the terrible people we all are, because let’s face it, humanity isn’t exactly known for it’s kindness and empathy. Fuck us all.

4. Anti-vaccine Right Wing Bullshit

Look, even Pence and Trump got vaccinated, you dumb fucks. Suck it up and get vaccinated so you don’t give your racist grandma COVID. I mean, or don’t. I’m not your conspiracy theorist dad. But in that case, just do us and COVID the favor and off yourself so you don’t infect the rest of your inbred town. You’ll save your town the pain and COVID the workload. Thanks.

5. Today, I have to give my friend’s car back

Which I’ve had for about a week-and-a-half, and I’ve only used like 3 times. Which sucks. Feels like a wasted opportunity, but I’m low on available funds since it’s the end of the month and bills are all paid, and what was I going to do anyway? Go out to eat? Go shopping? Those all cost, and to be honest I just wasn’t feeling them this past week.



Eric M. Klein
The Daily Spleen

Programmer, prognosticator, podcaster, producer, and pugilist. Well, maybe not pugilist. Champion of the Oxford comma.