Daily Spleen — May 11, 2021

Eric M. Klein
The Daily Spleen
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2021

Pissing me off this Tyr’s Day:

Man this one is going out late today. Day kind of got away from me. But not rain, nor sleet, nor threat of Dan Quayle can stop the daily shit-show from completing it’s appointed rounds. Have fun, kids!

1. Getting overwhelmed when people come to my place

It doesn’t matter who it is, I get super fucking overwhelmed when people come to my apartment. I always feel like I’m going to be judged and nothing is ever good enough. Which is never the actual case: everyone who comes over is gracious and kind and super cool about whatever state the place is in. It’s my fucking brain that makes it awful. I mean, it doesn’t help that I’m a bit lazy about keeping the place spiffed up, but that just another thing for me to judge myself on. I need to find a way to get the cleaning done without getting completely overwhelmed about it. What can I say, I’m a work in progress. But then, aren’t we all?

2. People who make decisions for me

Seriously, fuck right off with this shit. If it involves something I’m doing in some way, let me decide whether or not to be involved in a discussion that might turn out to be tangential to what I’m doing. I’m a big boy, I can make my own decisions on how to spend my time to accomplish what I need to do. I don’t need you telling me whether or not something is going to apply to me. Treat me like the grown-ass human that I am and let me decide that for myself.

3. Baltimore chief prosecutor asks FCC to stop negative news coverage about her

Seriously? You’re a fucking lawyer. You know better than anyone how the first amendment works (or you should). If a news outlet is giving you negative coverage that’s neither slander nor libel, THE GOVERNMENT CAN’T FUCKING STOP IT. That’s the whole fucking point of the first amendment. If it’s legal speech, then the government cannot punish anyone for publishing it. And the last time I checked, THE FCC IS PART OF THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT YOU FUCKING DUMBASS. Baltimore needs to seriously consider finding a new chief prosecutor if this is how she thinks the fucking law works. Turns out, if you’re in government, the press is going to talk about you, and some of that coverage may be shit you don’t like, or slanted in a way you don’t agree with. Suck it up, buttercup. It comes with the territory. If the FCC could seriously do that, Trump would have shut down every station except FOX and OAN years ago.

4. The fucking NIMBY opposition to wind farms

I may actually have an aneurism typing this one out. Wind farms don’t fuck up the weather. They don’t kill an inordinate amount of wildlife. They don’t even make a whole lot of noise. SO GET OVER YOUR SHIT, RICH PEOPLE. It’s one of the cleanest and easiest to harvest renewable energy sources we have, and you won’t let them be built because it obstructs your FUCKING VIEW? Fuck off. That shit should be built, and if you don’t like the way the view is, you can fucking move, especially since you can actually afford to. Great fucking Frigga you people are selfish fucks.

5. All the shit surrounding “Cancel culture”

To terribly paraphrase Harlan Ellison, “cancel culture ain’t nothin’ but consequences for your actions misspelled.” I have no problem with assholes finally getting their comeuppance. Public outcry about these things is how we fix them. Women didn’t have the right to vote until there was public outcry. Minorities didn’t have civil rights until there was public outcry. So if people are unhappy with the way shit is and they’re crying out, maybe you fuckers should pay attention. What, you don’t like it that no one wants to work with abusers? Maybe, and I’m just going out on a limb here, DON’T BE A FUCKING ABUSER AND YOU WON’T HAVE A PROBLEM. Saw a headline today that the GOP’s ousting of Liz Cheney is “cancel culture.” In a way, sure, since it’s literally just the consequences for her actions. She pissed off her party, and they’re punishing her for it. I’m sure she didn’t really expect any different. The “cancel culture” tag is just shorthand for people to use against any position they don’t like. Really, it’s just people speaking out and changing the world the way they think it should be. Newsflash: actions have consequences. Who’da fucking thunk it?



Eric M. Klein
The Daily Spleen

Programmer, prognosticator, podcaster, producer, and pugilist. Well, maybe not pugilist. Champion of the Oxford comma.