Daily Spleen — May 19, 2021

Eric M. Klein
The Daily Spleen
Published in
4 min readMay 19, 2021

Pissing me of this Woden’s Day:

You thought I forgot? Not a chance, folks. Just needed a brief respite from this here vomit-fest to kill off some marauding zombies…er…that is, have a nice visit with some family. I mean, same diff, right? Anyway, I haven’t vented this thing for a while, so buckle in for the shit-show!

The GOP doesn’t want an investigation into the January 6 Capital Insurrection

Of fucking course they don’t, which is why we need one. Turns out, GOP, when you encourage people to “take matters into their own hands” and literally break into a government building — arguably THE government building — people get rightly upset. The fact that so many GOP officials seem to have fanned the flames just cements your legacy as the anti-democracy, power-at -all-costs party, and an investigation should absolutely be undertaken to remove those who would stand against government for the people, by the people.

The world’s complicated relationship with Elon Musk

Sigh. Elon, have a seat, we need to have a talk. Look, some of the shit you do is goddamned brilliant. Realizing that the electric vehicle market is actually just the full-on car market was an amazing insight. Tesla, by and large, pretty cool (autopilot not withstanding). Bringing down the cost of space launches, and making them more reusable? Also, huge win. Great job. The Boring Company? Lacks a little in the execution, but overall a reasonable idea. The Hyperloop? Not really practical, but I’m inclined to give you this one just on the sheer balls of trying to bring sci-fi to life. However, Elon, man, you are an absolute shit-show of a human being. At best you come off as unhinged, and at worst downright sociopathic. I’m honestly shocked that Tesla even has you on the board as anything more than “consultant.” Same with SpaceX. I’m not sure if it’s just your personality coming through, a Trumpian desire to constantly be in the media spotlight, or an aspiration to be the world’s first internet troll CEO, but dude, you gotta reign it in before you completely burn every bridge and ounce of goodwill with the companies you’ve started and the public. When you smoked pot on Rogan, it was cute. Tweeting anti-vax and COVID conspiracy theories, not so much. Manipulating the cryptocurrency markets every time you tweet? People are getting sick of that shit. Seriously, as a friend, cut it the fuck out.

My unwillingness to get out of the house more

Why the fuck don’t I get out more often? When I get out of the house I feel a lot better about life, so why do I always get in my own way about getting out? Fuck I gotta get out more. When just going to the store for sundries makes you feel better, you should probably do something about that. COVID didn’t help since everything was closed, but my second shot is this Friday. After that, I need to get out and do some shit.

Trump election bullshit apparently still a thing

Folks, I’m not going to link it, but Trump put out yet another missive about the “stolen election” and it’s just as nutso as ever. And the above news just proves how fucking off his rocker he really is. I’m here to tell you that no American wants an unfair election. People want their voices heard, and we all realize that sometimes that means your guy doesn’t win. That’s the system. It’s the way it’s supposed to work. Dragging out recount after recount isn’t going to change the fact that you lost, you fucking dumbass. Gear up for 2024, if you must, but fucking accept defeat and move on. Great fucking Heimdall I’ve seen literal actual children take losses better than this.

Texas “heartbeat bill” becomes law

When are you GOP motherfuckers going to leave women’s bodies alone? They don’t fucking belong to you. If a woman wants to get a voluntary abortion, or needs one for health reasons, that’s between her and her doctor, and that’s it. You don’t get to impose your fucked up religious views on everyone else just because you happen to believe it. And on that topic, fuck you and your moralizing. If someone is “going to hell” by your standards, than that’s on them. You don’t get to choose for them what their path is. If your god’s judgement is final, than why don’t you leave it up to them to sort it out and stay out of my shit? Surely, your god can take care of their own business and don’t need you poking around. Really, just makes them look kinda weak. Like maybe they don’t actually exist? I mean, I dunno, seems like an all-powerful god wouldn’t need Mitch McConnel around doing shit for them.



Eric M. Klein
The Daily Spleen

Programmer, prognosticator, podcaster, producer, and pugilist. Well, maybe not pugilist. Champion of the Oxford comma.