3 quotes by Roberto Assagioli that will help you reach your true potential.

Flow With Josh
the daily swell
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2023
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

Roberto Assagioli was an Italian psychiatrist born in Venice in 1888.

He was arrested and imprisoned by the infamous dictator Mussolini for “praying for peace.” His time in solitary confinement led Roberto to examine himself and his spiritual beliefs.

When he was released, he wrote, “My dedication is to the task of helping men and women free themselves from inner prisons.”

Roberto was ahead of his time and was one of the first pioneers to bring together psychology and spirituality.

This was later turned into the practice of psychosynthesis, a spiritual and holistic approach to psychology.

Here are three life-changing quotes by Roberto Assagioli that will inspire you to reach your true potential:

  1. ”There is no certainty, there is only adventure.” ~ Roberto Assagioli
Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

Life is full of uncertainty. We cannot control or predict the outcome of the circumstances that life throws our way, but we can choose our mindset and how we react to these situations.

We can begin to view life as the amazing adventure that it truly is when we learn to surrender and go with the flow.

2. ”The most important rule is to formulate, clearly and precisely, the goal to be reached, and then to retain it unswervingly in mind throughout all the stages of the execution, which are often long and complex.” ~ Roberto Assagioli

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Goal-setting is essential when it comes to reaching our true potential. We have to have a clear and precise map of where we want to end up and the steps we need to take to get there.

3. ”The recognition of the positive, creative, joyous experiences which man may, and often does, have along with the painful and tragic ones.” ~ Roberto Assagioli

Photo by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash

In our journey through life, we will encounter both positive and negative experiences.

It’s natural to sometimes focus on the negative , we should realize that these negative experiences help us grow and teach us valuable lessons about ourselves.

We also need to recognize that even among hardships, there will always be positive experiences. If we can shift our mindset to one that focuses on the positive aspects of life, we will find that our overall well-being will improve.

Roberto Assagioli’s teachings have helped me develop a greater understanding of the human psyche, and his techniques have helped me on my own journey of personal growth. Hopefully, they will help you too.

