Your Writing Practice Isn’t A Warmup

Make every word you write publishable. My lesson from an early job interview.

Helen Cassidy Page
The Daily Writing Coach


Photo by camilo jimenez on Unsplash

Just because we call it a writing practice doesn’t mean you can’t publish your daily writing.

Make your writing practice count.

I learned this valuable lesson as a very young job seeker applying for a secretarial position back in the horse and buggy days. To pass the entry requirements, I had to prove my mettle as a typist by passing a typing test.

During one interview, I sat with my best foot forward, crossing my fingers and every other appendage that I’d face a decent typewriter for the grueling three or five-minute ordeal.

Typically, the interviewer would supply a page of standard paragraphs and then count the mistakes when the timer pinged. Nerves taxed my already wonky typing skills, but this particular day, my prospective employer said why waste a good typist on useless text?

He handed me a letter he wanted to send out that morning and asked me to type it in final.

Perhaps the sheer common sense of the request gave me confidence, but I aced the letter, got the job, and filed away the brilliance of the lesson for use my entire life.



Helen Cassidy Page
The Daily Writing Coach

Writer, editor, researcher, aging expert, life coach, sand tray coach. Read one of my 55 titles on Amazon: