An Open Letter to Those Unmotivated

Diego pc 🧢
The Daily Writing Habit
2 min readSep 14, 2022
A complex, smudged  and glitched image of a space of entertainment, parties, arcades, etc.
readiness at hand

This is why you feel stuck: Ultimately, you await feeling motivated before you do the things you want to be done. This is why you constantly find yourself being in a cycle of starting and quitting. You experience momentary waves of inspiration; you either see or hear something of interest, and in reaction act on that sudden feeling. Once it is done, and you have acted on it, you’re really happy about it, but inevitably the feeling fades away and you stop doing whatever it is you were doing because you’ve heavily relied on the feeling of motivation. You may falsely believe that you need to be motivated for that activity/process.

So, unfortunately, you created this restricting and inefficient pattern for yourself. In the attempt of trying to find a solution, the habit of this reliance should shift into focus on the goals of who you want to be, or the traits which you want to embody. I want to be someone who can commit to doing the said thing I need to or want to do, regardless of whether or not I feel such. I feel this is how I would continue to take action, even when the results of success or progress aren’t noticeable or are just barely present. I need to stop waiting for that action to make me feel good; if anything, my continuation of acting in alignment with my set goal is what will make me feel good. That is something I have to believe I can have control over every passing day and point in my life because what I know I can’t necessarily control is how motivated I am to do “that” thing or not. No longer do I want to have this back-and-forth relationship with my actions. I want to abandon that.

The version of myself I strive to be should be the version of myself that I most am because my past shouldn’t be the determinant of who I am. That version was based on my conditioning and it should represent who I perceived myself to be. I didn’t exactly choose any of those aspects of myself, but I can to some degree decide on the following aspects of myself. I know this won’t render any of my negative feelings obsolete. I have to stand my ground and know what eventual journey I will prefer to still experience and accept enduring disappointment and anxiousness. No matter what, everything will have its highs and lows; I just need to commit to it.

