4 Ways to Care for A Family Member When They Have Developed Alzheimer’s

Camila Broz🧢
The Daily Writing Habit
2 min readNov 11, 2022

There are plenty of ways to help and care for a person with Alzheimer’s. Such as:

Having them walk outside and do exercise

This is important because it makes the blood flow to the brain which is helpful to prevent memory loss. Having them be physically active may also help them loosen up their joints and help with overall brain functioning.

Orienting Them to Current Date and Location Every day.

When they wake up in the morning, have them look up at the calendar which can be displayed in a large size over the kitchen counter or dining room table. They can read the newspaper to orient them about specific events currently happening. Then they can be asked questions about what was read to them. This not only helps them to gain orientation but also helps them exercise their memory by learning new materials if they still can, and recall this same information.

Have them listen to music

I would put old music for my grandma, and she would remember the song and looked more attentive. She would sing along and dance which is something very valuable to my family and I because it was a little moment of having her back from daydreaming.

Being supportive with them

Following a loving and caring approach and showing them your support will make them comfortable and will prevent them from them from arguing. You want to avoid confrontation as they can get aggressive and agitation.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

